Small Groups
Doing Life Together
Community is an integral part of life, and spiritual growth! One of the best ways to find community at Cornerstone is through Small Groups.
These are small groups of people who get together about once a week for a Bible study. You can meet anywhere – someone’s house, a restaurant… you get the gist! The idea is to have a group of people you get comfortable with — where you can ask questions, get real, connect with Jesus, and you know… do life!
"They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity-all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved."
Acts 2:46-47
Find a Small Group
Group Finder helps you do exactly that! It shows you all the Cornerstone groups, and walks you through how to connect.
It's Not Difficult to be a Small Group Leader!
You don’t have to be a Bible expert or a teacher to lead a Small Group! Group leaders are people just like you with a heart for community who are willing to help facilitate a group.
Take two minutes and watch the video and you'll see!
Want to Start a Small Group? We’re here to help! Email Barb Fay.
Small Group Testimonials
Small Group Resources
Resources designed to help your Small Group succeed and be as fulfilling as it can be
Any Questions? We're Here To Help!
Barb Fay
Jamie Elgrably
Donna Hogoboom
Victoria Mathews
Heritage Hill Campus