Message Series

“Redefined” Message Series

Ever feel like there's a better way to live than what the world keeps telling us? Join us starting Sunday, April 7 as we kick off our new message series, "Redefined." We're diving into how Jesus flips the script on life's pressures, showing us what truly matters. It's about getting real, trusting deeper, and living out the radical teachings Jesus introduces in the Sermon on the Mount. Don't just live life; live it redefined.

Join the Prayer Text Community!

Text #goodlife to 616-236-6731 to join the Prayer Text Community for our new series "Redefined."

Bible Reading Plan

Below you'll find the Bible Reading Plan for our current series, “Redefined.” You can follow along for each day reading using the links below, or use the Cornerstone App!

TIP: You can use the Cornerstone app to read through the Bible Reading Plan!
Just tap the Bible icon at the bottom of the app screen.

Message Discussion Guides

Published weekly, this guide is designed to spark conversation connected to the weekend message. It provides more scripture, and includes thought-provoking questions. It's great for small groups!

You can view message discussion guides individually below, or subscribe to automatically receive the guides in your email going forward.

April 7

April 14

April 21

April 28

May 5
