Cornerstone Leadership & Staff
Leadership Board
The Cornerstone Church Board of Directors partners with the pastors and the staff leadership team to champion God’s vision, ministry and mission through Cornerstone Church.
Our Current Board of Directors:
Paul Thompson (President), Jake Cook, Ken Watkins, Chris Gornik, Tom Dean, Brianne Pitchford, Mark Troy and Allison Holifield. Pastor Ken Nash and Gordie Nickels, executive director, are also members.
We also have an active Facilities Team, a Finance Team and a Human Resource Advisory Team. Most board members serve 3-year terms.
Ken Nash
Alex Fernandez
Marcus Schmidt
Gordie Nickels
Generosity & Finance
Holly Spurgess
Sally Kwekel
Kim Larsen
Bethann Fernandez
Mary Eadie
Christine Prindle
Brooke Thomas
Abby Warners
Child Care Coordinator