Personal Finances
Things have changed a lot lately, and maybe your world has been turned upside down. It can be frightening if you've lost your job, your hours have been cut back, or your retirement fund seems to have gone down the drain.
While we can trust God as our provider and comforter, it's also helpful to talk with professionals about your finances. Please see the Free services being offered below.
Free & Confidential Personal Financial Counseling
You can arrange to "meet" with Mark Troy or Julie Spoolstra on the phone or by video. They can help you create a budget, and a plan for the months to come. If you're interested in setting up an appointment, Mark and Julie are ready to help you navigate these unusual times!
Free, Pro Resume Assistance
For free assistance with resume creation or polishing, interview preparation and practice, or general tips on job-seeking, contact Bethany France. With over seven years of Human Resources experience, she is glad to offer help if needed.
Other Financial Resources
Visit Dave Ramsey's website for free financial tools, including a Quick Start Budget if you're new to budgeting.
Life / Estate Planning
Whether you're a newlywed, young family, single, divorced, empty-nesters or retired: Do you have your critical decisions made and clearly spelled out? It's so important not to leave them to chance.
Twice a year, usually in the Spring and Fall, local Christian attorney Doug Brackmann holds Free Life Planning/Estate Planning workshops at Cornerstone. He talks about Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney, Living Wills, Medicaid eligibility to cover nursing home costs and more.
Please consider coming to one of these Free workshops if you have children or if you have assets, or if you don’t have your critical documents drawn up or you haven't updated your existing documents for over five years.
We also encourage you to take advantage of the free financial counseling offered at Cornerstone (see above).
Upcoming Estate Planning Workshop
Watch here for the next workshop. They are typically offered each year in the spring and fall.
What is a Trust and do I really need one?
In simplest terms, a Trust is a legal agreement in which your property or money is held or managed by someone else or by an organization (such as a bank) for a set period of time.
If you have minimal assets and/or a simple estate, and do not believe a trust is necessary (contact the church office if you have questions about trusts), please refer to the “Planning for your Peace of Mind” booklet. This booklet, provided by the State Bar of Michigan, is designed to assist you in pre-planning by providing frequently asked questions, general information and forms on Michigan's Statutory Will, Patient Advocate law and organ donation.