Serve in Our Community
Cornerstone Church is active in breaking the cycle of poverty in our local community. One way we help the people of Cornerstone know Jesus, is by providing opportunities to serve in the Greater Grand Rapids Area. We believe Jesus will be made known throughout West Michigan through our acts of service, love, and by sharing how God is at work in and through each of us, His followers.
Feed Kids
1 in 5 children in West Michigan doesn’t have enough food, especially on the weekends. That’s why there’s Hand2Hand of Cornerstone – a ministry that gets food to over 400 kids during the school year who need it each weekend!
Mentor & Pray for Kids
Cornerstone Church is committed to school partnerships and investing in kids in our communities. One way you could positively impact a child is through a one-on-one mentoring relationship through Kids Hope USA.
Provide Shelter
Cornerstone is helping to end homelessness, one family at a time, through our partnership with Family Promise.
Love In the Name of Christ
Love INC SKC (Love In the Name of Christ, South Kent County) is a network of local churches working together to help meet needs and impact lives in the name of Jesus!
Feed Families
The 2nd Wednesday of every month, we host a mobile food pantry at 84th St. that 100 families depend on! The mobile food pantry is a drive-through, no contact experience, where volunteers direct traffic, push carts with food to vehicles and load food into trunks. Tracy Bowers would love to hear from you if you can help: or just come to the 84th St. Campus on Mobile Food Pantry days, 3:30pm-5pm.
Volunteers: Register Here
End Poverty Through Relationships
Providing food, tutoring students, health care, and empowering adults are some of the ways that Streams GR strives to be the hub of a vibrant, growing, empowering community where neighbors are committed to the growth of each person while maintaining uncompromised values and love for Jesus Christ.
In partnership with ICCF Community Homes, Cornerstone is helping rehab homes in GR. ICCF Community Homes helps low-income families find safe, clean, affordable housing, and shows Jesus' love in action! Help us restore homes, and hope!
Engage With People
Since before 2006, Cornerstone and Dégagé Ministries have been partnering to serve the vulnerable in downtown Grand Rapids. Join Degage for lunch, a tour and meet the staff at the next "Discover Degage" or check our their website to see what their current needs are.
Local Food Pantries
Helping People With Disabilities
Helping individuals & families who are impacted by a developmental or intellectual disability to have the opportunity to be a part of a thriving community in which they learn, live and worship together.
Demonstrate the Love of Christ
VIS connects individual Christ-followers willing to serve, with needs that need to be met in the community. From providing friendship to a lonely person, to driving someone to an appointment, to helping someone move or do yard work, the needs vary, but all allow us to demonstrate the love of Christ in a practical way, by serving with humility.
Cross-Cultural Ministry Opportunity
Build relationships with people from Middle-Eastern countries, right here in our own community.
Housing and Development for Men
Providing development and rapid re-housing to men experiencing homelessness, and equipping them with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual tools for a successful reintegration into the community.