
Cornerstone Women’s Ministry exists to connect women to one another! We are focused on cultivating community, helping women root their identity in Christ, and encouraging spiritual growth as we journey together. If you’re new to Cornerstone, or just looking to meet some people, a great place to start is to attend one of our monthly Connect gatherings. We have other opportunities and events listed below when they’re available!

Join us for a time of community, learning, and reflection! Each month we will have a relevant topic for women of all ages and stages to gather around. Whether you've been at Cornerstone for one week or many years, come connect with one another and with God in a welcoming and casual place!

Next Cornerstone Women: Connect

May 9, 2024, 6:30 - 8pm
84th St. Campus

We’re doing something different for our May gathering! Join us for a Women's Empowerment Self-Defense Course designed to teach women of any size how to defend themselves against common chokes, grabs, bear hugs, and other attacks often used by aggressors big or small. Led by local business owner Ray Shonk, a certified National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM) Master Trainer and a certified Master Instructor of Tai Chi from the America Tai Chi & Qigong Association.  As a Master Trainer, Ray is fully capable of adapting any of the techniques to fit any body type or physical limitation. He will demonstrate a few techniques you can learn and answer questions anyone might have at the end. This class is for any woman 18 and over.

Can't wait to see you there! Registration limited to 50 people.  

The Village

We meet the third Saturday of every month at the South Wyoming campus, with informal meetups happening in the months in between.

Next Meeting: Saturday March 16, 10-11:30am | South Wyoming Campus

Bring your kids and join us for a time of connection and conversation. No registration required, just show up!

Please email Mandy Fowler with any questions.

Facebook Group

Join our Facebook group for updates and connection!

The MomCo

The MomCo (formerly known as MOPS) encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women, and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church.

Meetings: We meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays at the 84th St. Campus from 9-11am.

What to expect: A MomCo meeting includes practical teaching through speakers, demonstrations, videos, and honest conversations with other moms while we enjoy brunch.

For the kids: KidsCo has a preschool style setting with snacks, songs, crafts, and fun activities.

Questions? Want to join us? Contact us!

Women's Study

We have an open women’s study going on at the Heritage Hill campus! They’re going through the book "Find Your People" by Jennie Allen.

When: Mondays: March 4th - April 8th 2024, 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Where: Heritage Hill Campus

No childcare available.

This short video will give you an idea of what a women’s life group is like.

Get Connected

Looking to connect socially, grow closer to Jesus, and learn more from the Bible? We have lots of life groups (small groups), Bible studies, classes and outings.

Facebook Group

We also have a Facebook group where you can find updates and make connections! Join our Facebook group.


We have events for women every year. As those events get closer, we’ll put all the information you need right here.


Mandy Fowler

Mandy Fowler

Director of Spiritual Formation