Hand2Hand of Cornerstone

Because 1 in 5 kids in West Michigan doesn't get enough to eat, Hand2Hand of Cornerstone exists to provide weekend food assistance to nearly 400 kids who need it during the school year and to pray for those kids! Our current Hand2Hand Partner Schools are Bowen & Explorer Elementaries and Pinewood Middle School in Kentwood, Campus Elementary in Grand Rapids, Vanguard Charter Academy in Wyoming and Kraft Meadows Intermediate and Duncan Lake Middle School in Caledonia.

Help Feed Kids Over the Weekend!

Provide Food & Bags


Help by donating food items and bags. We ask for snack & breakfast kits, plus other items we use regularly. We use one gallon Ziploc bags and new grocery bags. Your donation helps so much! Sign up below to see what items are needed each month and tell us what you can bring.

Pack With Us

(Various days and times)

Pack with us. Click below to see the event dates to pack either smaller “kits” or “full bags of food” and sign up to help on the dates you can serve!

*Note: Sunday options do not require a sign up.

Set Up Tables and Food for Pack Events

(Wednesdays at 3pm)

Be part of the crew that sets up tables and gets the food counted and set out on tables, so the packing crew can come later and pack. Click below to see the H2H Set Up Event Dates and sign up to help on the dates you can serve! Our set team leader will be on-site and share with you all the instructions and what to do!

Drive & Deliver Food Totes to Schools

(Typically Thursday mornings)

This team loads the food bins into our box truck and delivers them to 5 of the schools we serve. Two individuals go on each delivery, one drives and one rides, but both need to be approved and willing to drive the truck. Both help load and unload. Background checks required. Let us know you’re interested.

Distribute Bags in a School

(Typically Thursday afternoons)

*Must fill out school background check. Once the totes are at each school, the bags need to get to the classroom or student's locker. We call this the Distribution Team. Each school has a different process. Sign up to be part of the distribution team at one of our partner schools. Training provided.

Other Opportunities

Opportunities include:

  • School connector
  • Food pick-up
  • Kit packing coordinator
  • Transport
  • Delivery to Caledonia
  • Tote pick-up
  • Hub food receiver

Watch One Hand2Hand Family's Story

Frequently Asked Questions

We include at least 10 food items total, and provide breakfast, snack and a lunch/dinner kit, that all goes home with a child.  Plus, we pray over the bags and ask God to show the child receiving it how loved they are.

We work with the school staff to send home permission slips to the parents. Parents “opt-in” to receive the food by filling out the permission slip and turning it back in, stating they want to receive the food.

Each bag is prepared to feed one child over the weekend. Parents can sign up as many of their kids, who attend that school, to receive food. So, a family could receive multiple bags of food, if they have multiple kids at the school.

Much thought goes into what we send home with a child each weekend.  We want to provide protein, fruit, grains and vegetable items, plus have it be light enough for a small child to carry home by walking, riding a bus or getting picked up. Too much food is too heavy for many children to carry home along with school bags. It’s also one reason why we don’t send home glass jars.

Sign up on the list above, so you know what items we are collecting. You can drop off your donations during a weekend service at any of our Cornerstone locations. Look for the Hand2Hand Shopping Cart and put your donations in!

Or, you can drop off your donations during business hours at our 84th St. Campus (1675 84th Street SE, Caledonia, MI 49316) in the Main Office. You could also order items and have them shipped directly to H2H of Cornerstone, at our 84th Street location.

Yes!  We would love to have you do so!  Contact Tracy Bowers, tracyb@cornerstonemi.org to find out what items are most needed at the time of your collection, and to make arrangements for dropping them off. We even have some resources to help you promote your collection.

From these sources:

  • Your food donations.
  • The Hand2Hand Central office.
  • Cornerstone's Outreach Budget. Just under half of the food is donated, and Cornerstone buys the rest as needed to feed all the students we get to serve.

You can mail a check to Cornerstone Church and list Hand2Hand in the memo line. All of those funds are used for Hand2Hand of Cornerstone, to feed hungry kids over the weekends.

Delivering Hope, Weekend Food, Love & Prayers


Tracy Bowers

Tracy Bowers

Director of Outreach